jeudi 17 septembre 2015

Champions League: galloping inflation revenues

Le trophée de la Ligue des champions, avant la finale FC Barcelone-Juventus, le 6 juin 2015 à Berlin
Paris - Commercial revenues, including television rights to the Champions League in recent years have recorded a historical growth, to the point that UEFA has increased this season, 30% of the share redistributed to the participants, 1,257 MoE.

Q: Where does the income from the Champions League '

A: The revenue of the Champions League are composed for most television rights negotiated country by country, on tender.

In some European countries historically linked by their clubs in the competition, these rights have exploded in recent years because of competition between broadcasters and new historic channels. Thus in France, the competition between Canal + and Bein Sport has increased the market from 58 to 111 million euros. In England, BT Sport doubled the BSkyB to 358 ME.

Meanwhile, UEFA pockets the premiums paid by sponsoring seven major partners for which the admission ticket is $ 75 million (about 67 ME) for a total of 470 ME. In total, after the last renegotiations, UEFA now pocketed over $ 1.6 billion in commercial revenue alone Champions League.

Q: How are the rights revert to the clubs'

A: The increase in revenue from UEFA will be passed on to the clubs for the current season with a handover of 1.257 billion euros against 910 million last season.

The twenty teams participating in the preliminary round share 50 ME. From the group stage prevails another method of calculation based on a fixed part (60% or 724 ME) and another variable (40%) according to the broadcasting rights paid by each country.

The 32 qualified clubs in the group stage each receive 12 ME and 1.5 ME per win and € 500,000 for a draw. The sixteen teams reaching the finals of the 8th receive 5.5 ME and ME for six quarters, halves and 7 for the last 15 if they win.

The variability of market share sometimes has strange effects. In 2013 for example, Juventus, only quarter-finalist, had received 67.1 56.5 ME premiums against Bayern winner but from a country, Germany, where TVs rights remain modest compared to Italy. Ditto in 2014 when PSG, quarter-finalist, had pocketed 57.2 ME is slightly less than Real, winner (60) but more than Atletico, runner (52).

Q: What are the clubs that have historically benefited most from the Champions League '

A: C1 classification of gains, Manchester United remains unequaled. Since 1992, when the creation of the competition under its current format, the English have pocketed 522.8 ME, closely followed by Bayern (494), Real (468), Barcelona (453) and Chelsea (419). Over a period reduced to 2006-2014, ranking slightly changing.

ManU remains dominant (ME 335) but Bayern back to 4th place, yielding the second in Chelsea (321 ME), proof of the investment of English broadcasters.

As for the French clubs PSG only advanced third place in this historical ranking with a total of 151ME collected since 1992 behind the OL (269.5) and OM (174).

Q: In addition to the premiums paid by UEFA, earned by clubs involved '

A: ancillary revenues of European clubs mainly from the ticket office. OL for example, which is one of the French clubs at the most irregular path C1 in recent years, has recorded 24% of ticket revenue between 2010, the year of its accession in the semifinals, and 2011 (eighth only). Either a shortfall of 6 ME which however is nothing compared to that of UEFA premiums.

If one believes the balance sheets of the OL still, less European performance has hardly any impact on sales of derivatives.

Q: Who benefits (also) the Champions League 'A: European Cups, the most prestigious in particular, are a boon for tourism. The only Champions League, with 215 matches, moves nearly 800,000 fans each season and produces nearly 237 million of revenue for cities and carriers according to a study of the site GoEuro specializes in sports tourism.

A match Atletico-Real or Inter-AC Milan is losing and 1.8 ME in the city concerned. As for Berlin, hosted the last final, its tourism sector have benefited from 36 ME revenue for 90 minutes of the match

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