lundi 14 septembre 2015

World Rugby: Italy prepares France without its captain Parisse

Rome - Already largely devoid of experienced players and global level, the XV of Italy will also have to do without his captain Sergio Parisse and best element Saturday against France at Twickenham debut in the World Cup.

Insurmountable "He already had other injuries. We have already played games without Sergio Parisse. So we'll play without him. We find solutions," Jacques Brunel Saturday sidestepped when asked about the weight for his team injured left calf of his N.8.

But the French coach of the Azzurri did not seek to beat around the bush: "We will probably be reduced because it is a very important player."

Not only in the game, where his ball skills in hand, his sense of initiative and dynamism make it a cornerstone of the selection. But also off the field, for its influence in the dressing room, his charisma, his experience (32 years since Saturday, 113 selections) and intelligence.

The last two of Italy preparation matches have shown, almost to caricature.

August 29 without Parisse: an abysmal 48-7 defeat in Scotland. A match that Brunel wants to "just forget". August 5 with Parisse: a short, encouraging 23-19 setback in Wales.

The shortcut is a little easier, but it illustrates the importance of the third line center of the French stage in a group that lacks leaders and benchmarks for certain key positions.

Wounded precisely in that game Wales and operated Saturday to drain a hematoma to a calf, Parisse should take his troubles patiently. As the Italian staff, which can only wait for news of Paris, where the player can be treated with medical teams of the French stage.

- The 'true spirit' -

"The operation went very well and he has already progressed. We do not do things sudden, we want him recovering well," said Saturday AFP Luigi Troaini, manager of the national team, adding Parisse that would not join England before Tuesday or Wednesday.

"For France, it is not possible but we hope he will be available to work the following week. After that the technical staff will decide to use it or not," he added.

The framework hopes to have Parisse September 26 against Canada. But meanwhile, it is without him he must face the Blues.

"The mood is there and it is to do more for those who are not with us. That's life, it's part of rugby. A game without Sergio we know it makes things difficult. But is when the team is in trouble we can see its true spirit, "he told AFP the pillar of Toulon and Martin Castrogiovanni Nazionale.

For this first match at Twickenham, Brunel could replace Parisse by Samuela Vunisa, as was the case in the first game of preparation of the Italians against Scotland, August 22 (16-12 defeat).

He was then shown good qualities of power and percussion, but also a lot of awkwardness fell with penalties conceded and balloons.

The Blues, themselves, are not made illusions: Parisse or not, Italy will face.

"With or without Sergio, it will still be a very big team of Italy (...). Of course it has to be at that level it is still outstanding" and judge the right pillar Rabah Slimani, his teammate at French Stadium. "But it does not change the desire Aura team against us."

And we even raised the possibility of a bluff of Italian coaching about his best player. "We will instead focus on us, our team, our game," warns the manager Philippe Saint-André Bleus.

"Parisse, one player knows his qualities is their captain. But the last time (in March), it was announced with a torn calf and he was on the ground in Italy ..." What had also not prevented the XV of France to win 29-0.

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